Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The CEPH and What It Does for Masters in Public Health Schools

There exist several hundred colleges in the US that provide masters in public health programs. A lot of these are masters in public health programs in community health/preventive medicine and community health education. When choosing the best public health school, it is important to determine if it is CEPH-accredited.

Who or what make up the CEPH? Why should students look for accredited courses? The types of programs the CEPH or Council on Education for Public Health accredits are indicated in its full name.

When considering a school offering a master of public health program, be sure that the degree you are looking for is included in the accreditation. For schools of public health, all degrees offered by the school must be accredited as a single entity. It is necessary to inquire at the academy if you are interested in a higher-level course and are not sure if theirs has been accredited.

It is necessary to note that there are different types of accreditation. Programs with a specialization should have the CEPH accreditation, while others may be all right with just the regional one. Regional accreditation is concerned with a more general view of the body to be accredited.

On the other hand, specialized accreditation like CEPH accreditation, has more to do with the training aspect of the specific field or profession. The situation is much the same as what is observed with organizations accrediting other disciplines. CEPH is the sole organization identified by the US Department of Education to perform accreditation on public health schools and programs, including masters of public health programs.

The body accredits both institutions and their programs, although not necessarily together. The clear difference between the two is that the institutions offers a number of programs while a program is, well, the one program to be considered in the matter. The expectation is for universities in this discipline to provide the main concentrations in the course as options.

In contrast, a program up for accreditation need not offer more than one degree. This has not prevented many programs from providing a selection of focus options. It must be noted that another difference is in the fact that the institutions are asked to have options for those who wish to get a doctorate in the field.

Once you have enrolled in a CEPH-accredited program or school, you can rest assured of receiving a well-rounded public health education. The major concentrations for the discipline are Biostatics, Behavioral Sciences, Epidemiology, Environmental Health and Health Services Administration. Those in universities offering doctorate classes even have the option of becoming true experts of their discipline.

Colleges of this type can help you if you need to transfer credits. This is through the general acceptance of credits between accredited institutions, especially when the student’s performance has been satisfactory and the credits to be transferred are fitting to the receiving institutions. Graduates are also qualified to sit for the Public Health Certification examination, conducted by the National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE).

Perhaps the biggest benefit of attending CEPH-accredited masters in public health schools/programs is the assurance that the MPH degree earned qualifies you for different jobs that require graduation from an accredited school as a condition for employment. Students are also qualified for internships as well as fellowships supported by many federal agencies. An academy with accreditation will also give you more resources to help you achieve your mastery of the field faster.

When looking for helpful information about master's degrees, checking my site will help.